Transistor as a Switch
A transistor is a three-terminal semiconductor that regulates the current or voltage flow and acts or operates as a switch or gate for signals. The devices in the electronics and electricals are the regulated values which allows the weak signal to regulate the large amount of flow to the nozzle that regulates the flow of current. The transistors quantifies thousands and millions of transistors which are interconnected and embedded into small integrated chip or circuit boards. A transistor switch is used for opening or closing the circuit, which means we use a transistor is used as a switch in electrical devices only for low-voltage application devices due to their low power consumption. The transistors work as same as the switch when is it in cutoff and saturation regions....
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Introduction of Microprocessor
In this article we will go through the Microprocessor, we will first define what is a Microprocessor, then we will go through its different types with its block diagram and we will see different types of processors, At last, we will conclude our article with some applications and FAQs....
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Control Systems – Polar Plots
Unlike the Bode plot in which both magnitude and phase angle are plotted separately in logarithmic graph paper. In Polar plot both magnitude and phase are plotted in the same plot in the Polar graph sheet. In the following article, we will discuss what is polar plot, Steps to draw polar plot, Polar plot of some standard Functions, and how to check the Stability of the system with a solved Example....
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Types Of Sensors
A Sensor is a characteristic of any device or material to detect the presence of a particular physical quantity. The output of the sensor is a signal, which is converted to human readable form. It performs some function of input by sensing or feeling the physical changes in the characteristics of a system in response to stimuli....
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Nodal Analysis
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Short Circuit Current Calculations
To calculate the short circuit current in a power system we use the basic formula Isc = V / Z where Isc represents short circuit current, V represents pre-fault voltage and Z represents total impedance. In this article we will explore about the short circuit current, steps to calculate short circuit current, and formulas to calculate short circuit current. We will also solve some examples related to the calculation of short circuit current. Let’s start learning on the topic “How to Calculate Short Circuit Current.”...
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SISO and MIMO Control Systems
In Electronic Engineering, there are Two Key approaches in the field of control engineering are SISO (Single Input Single Output) and MIMO (Multiple Input Multiple Output) control systems, which are essential to the design and analysis of dynamic systems. SISO systems are designed to control or modify a particular variable with a single control input. These systems are useful for processes that have a single input and output. These systems are frequently employed in many different technological applications, such as motor control speed regulation, and temperature control in heating systems....
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Maxwell’s Equation
Maxwell’s equations are like the instruction manual for how electricity and magnetism work. They were created by a smart scientist named James Clerk Maxwell in the 1800s. Since these equations help us understand everything from how lights work to how our gadgets and technology function, they are extremely significant. In this article, we’ll see Maxwell’s Equations in detail, in which there are four equations that forms the description of the topic....
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Circulators are important devices used in microwave engineering to deal with devices that use electromagnetic or radio waves. You might have heard of the non-metallic ferrite substances that are very popular due to their magnetic properties. In this article, we will discuss one such substance that uses ferrite material i.e. a circulator. We will study what is a circulator and what are the principles of operation of a circulator....
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Junction Field Effect Transistor or JFET
In electronics, the junction field effect transistor is a fundamental component, operating on the principle of electric field control. It is a three-terminal device, and it consists of the gate, drain, and source terminals....
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Voltage Regulator Module
VRM stands for Voltage Regulator Module. VRM acts as dedicated power stations for sensitive electronic components such as Smartphones, TVs, and Servers. By Ensuring they receive the lower voltage they require. Think of them as miniaturized power grids, adapting the main power supply to the specific needs of each component....
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Advantages and Disadvantages of Control Systems
Control systems play a significant role in our daily lives, impacting various applications that often go unnoticed by us. They are used to control the behavior of devices and systems to accomplish the desired task. They are made up of many components and the major components are usually sensors, controllers, and actuators. Every component in the control system plays a major role and when all these components are combined, they form a system which is known as a control system. Sensors convert physical changes into electrical signals by sensing physical parameters like heat, light, temperature, pressure, etc. Controllers are used to control and adjust the function of a device according to the needs of the system. Whereas an actuator carries the process further by executing the command generated by the controller. Further in this article, we will see all about the control system, its features, advantages, disadvantages, etc....
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